Water Reuse

Hong Kong: Journey towards Self-Sufficiency

1. Introduction Hong Kong is one of the most populated places in the world and it lacks natural resources including water. The metropolis boasts its continuous self-upgrade in water technology and responsive public administration, which results in an effective system in water management. However, similar to most coastal cities in […]

Waukesha: Managing Great Lakes Diversion Water

Introduction Waukesha is a sprawling suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Serious groundwater contamination issues have created a scarcity of drinking water for Waukesha, forcing the city to look towards other sources. After yearslong negotiations with state authorities, Waukesha received approval in 2016 to divert drinking water from Lake Michigan and begin […]

Managing Growth in Phoenix, AZ

Drought, Dependency, and Development The City of Phoenix has been extensively studied in the world of water management as a result of its unique and precarious hydrological situation. Located in a hot and arid climate, Phoenix faces threats of extreme drought conditions, which have plagued the southwestern United States for […]

Exploring Alternatives to Developing the Bear River

Critics portend the Bear River Water Development Project will result in the Wasatch Front becoming an uninhabitable toxic dustbowl. Utah has been planning the ambitious project since 1991, estimating it could deliver 220,000 acre-feet water to customers on the Wasatch Front. Utah legislators insist this water development project is needed […]

Hong Kong: Pursuing a Saltwater Portfolio

Home to a population of 7.49 million residents, Hong Kong is faced with the pressure to accommodate for increasing water demands amidst problems of freshwater scarcity. The interesting thing is, Hong Kong is not landlocked; it is located next to the China Sea, and has the proximity and access to […]